

新闻 & 公告


教职员工贴花销售是现场直播!  请登录 澳门葡京博彩软件停车场入口 with your 澳门葡京博彩软件 credentials, complete your driver profile, and purchase your decal.  Please note: your shipping address should be your on campus address where you would like your decal sent to. 贴花不会邮寄到校外地址.


There are electric vehicle charging stations on campus in the following lots:  Ford Hall parking lot and the ITT parking lot.


If you are on campus please be sure that you have updated your parking decal. 你可以 在线订购你的贴花. Please print your confirmation email and place it on your dashboard when on campus. This serves as your parking pass while we process your order and send it to your campus address. 有关订购的指导可在此公告块后提供.


我们现在接受澳门葡京博彩软件违章停车的网上付款. http://portal.permitsales.net/driverportal/smith/ 要访问在线引文支付门户网站, 输入您的引用信息并按照提供的步骤操作. 请致电413-585-2277或发电子邮件 parkingdecals@dh865.com 如果你有疑问或问题.


Campus parking rules and regulations are strictly enforced by the 校园安全 Department. The Northampton Police Department enforces parking rules on city streets. 车辆将会被罚款及被拖走. 停车规则及规例可随时修订. We accept credit card payments in the office for parking tickets, towing and parking decals.


访客,许可证和学生停车指示在 校园地图.



暂住的形式 (89.83 KB)


We are excited to offer the convenience of online permit registration ordering and fulfillment.  请使用此文档作为购买新贴花的指南!

Make sure you have the following information ready before beginning the registration process

  • Your 99 澳门葡京博彩软件 ID number which can be found on your One Card
  • 你的车辆, 模型, 一年, Color, 车牌(也称为车辆登记号码)和州
  • 登记车主信息(姓名及与司机的关系)

使用你的电脑、平板电脑或智能手机,浏览到 我们的许可证销售网站.

通过单击登录到站点 “登录” 在这一页的顶部.

Once you’ve logged in, you can begin the registration process by clicking “注册/购买许可证”

Before continuing, you must read and agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use.  选中该框并单击continue.

Select the appropriate permit type you would like to purchase and ensure your phone number is entered and the type of phone (office, 首页, 细胞, 等.)被选中.

If you are a returning customer, your physical and mailing addresses may already be in the system. You may select an existing address by clicking the green plus sign on the left side of the addresses you would like to use. Once you have selected or filled in your address information you may click the next button at the bottom of the page to begin entering your vehicle information.

If you are a returning customer, your vehicle information may be already in the system. 如果你的车在系统里, you may select it by clicking the green plus sign on the left side of the vehicle you would like to register. 一旦你选择了你的车辆, you may click Next to navigate to the payment section and complete your purchase.

Your decal will be mailed to the address you provided and should arrive approximately a week after ordering. Your receipt will be emailed to the email address you provided and will include a temporary parking pass. The Parking Office strongly recommends printing this pass and displaying it, 因为它就像你的停车许可证,直到你的贴花到达.

If you have any questions, please contact the Parking Office at 413-585-2277, parkingdecals@dh865.com,或访问我们在126西街,北安普顿,MA 01063


Persons with disability placards may park in designated spaces or any white-lined spaces on campus. 如果你是一名学生,需要无障碍停车场, 但你没有牌子, 参观 无障碍资源中心 申请临时的短期通行证. 教师 and staff should contact HR regarding all accommodations, including those for parking. The college encourages those with need that extends beyond one month to apply for a state HP placard, as the HP spaces are reserved for those who have state-issued placards and plates. MA州立网站 链接在这里 有更多关于如何申请的信息吗.


An ordinance enacted by the Northampton City Council is in effect on the following streets near the Quadrangle: Washington Avenue, 哈里森大道和森林大道. The ordinance calls for alternate-side, alternate-day parking on these streets. Illegally parked cars will be ticketed and towed at the expense of the owner. Signs are posted on both sides of the three streets indicating that cars must be moved each day at 11 a.m. Illegally parked cars present a safety hazard because they prevent access by fire engines and other emergency vehicles; thus the ordinance will be strictly enforced.

The city of Northampton has a neighborhood-only parking ordinance along Kensington Avenue. 肯辛顿大道不允许过夜停车. Only Kensington Avenue property owners or their tenants are allowed to park overnight.

第三条条例, 全市范围内禁止在车道三英尺范围内停车, 还会严格执行吗. We caution you to take these ordinances seriously to avoid towing and ticketing charges.


根据马萨诸塞州法律, 第90章, 第三节, 经2003年法案修订, every non-Massachusetts resident enrolled as a student at a school or college in the Commonwealth who operates a motor vehicle registered in another state or country during any period beginning on September 1 of any year and ending on August 31 of the following year, must file a form approved by the Registry of Motor Vehicles to have on file a signed statement that provides the following:

  1. Registration number and make of the motor vehicle and the state or country of registration
  2. 业主的名称和地址
  3. Names and addresses of all insurers providing liability insurance covering operation of the motor vehicle
  4. Legal residence of the nonresident and her/his residence while attending such school or college
  5. 她/他正在就读的学校或学院的名称和地址

Any nonresident who fails to comply with the provisions of this law shall be punished by a fine of not more than $200.

澳门葡京博彩软件的学生可以 填写表格 and obtain a decal from the Registry of Motor Vehicles at 校园安全, 西街126号. 贴花是不收费的.



北安普顿,MA 01063

电话: 413-585-2277 电子邮件: parkingdecals@dh865.com



8:30 a.m.–4 p.m.